October 13, 2012

Jimmy Savile and the cast of hundreds

I have put so much research into this blog that it would frighten you. I normally like to get a few different view points, read some other versions of events and make up my own mind.

So, as normal, I read some newspaper articles, watched some TV and then as Morpheus says in The Matrix ‘You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.’

When it comes to this story, I took the red pill and I’m sure that many people involved wish that they had taken the red pill too.

Right, make yourself a cuppa, get comfortable and then read this. See, I want you in a rational and unemotional mind set. I promise to include links to supplementary information where possible, I’ll lay off the clichés and I will make a sincere effort not to get emotional or all ‘ranty’ about it.


Deep breath now.

Assume for one minute that Jimmy Savile did not tamper with any young girl (or girls) and all these claims of sexual abuse and molestation are completely 100% fictitious

Whoa! Wait a minute, I don’t care what you believe or what you think you believe or even if you are fed up to the back teeth hearing about a shell-suited gold wearing OAP with his hands down a child’s pants. (Sorry about the cliché)

Why would a bunch of women all come forward almost a year after the guy’s death to ruin the ‘good’ name of a man who raised millions for charity and is an icon in British Society?

Obviously I am no shrink or specialist in psychological disorders, but the person making the allegation would have to be fulfilling some sort of personal agenda (albeit a bit warped).

What would the reason be? Blackmail, extortion, discrediting their good name and image?

That isn’t really going to happen when the dude is 6 foot under.

However, it isn’t just one person is it?

No, no its not. The last I read the Metropolitan police were investigating 340 lines of inquiry, which involved 40 different victims and 12 formal criminal allegations.

I wondered why these people had not come forward earlier, as is only natural I suppose. However, these people actually DID make complaints against the DJ/Presenter/self appointed god like being and were told everything under the sun from ‘Not enough evidence’ to ‘don’t you like it?’ and even ‘Are you a lesbian’.

As individual claims these can be easily dismissed and indeed they were especially as they occurred in different areas of the country. We realise with how long it took to apprehend Peter Sutcliffe that police forces don’t always speak to each other.

However, as Alice wandered down the rabbit hole she found out that in 1994 the Sunday Mirror had "credible and convincing" evidence from two women who claimed Savile had been guilty of abusing them at a children's home. But was advised that the case wasn’t strong enough to avoid libel action.

What about Jimmy’s links with Haute de la Garenne in Jersey? The Sun newspaper was sued in 2008 over articles linking him to children’s home where remains of tortured children were found. Apparently 151 culprits were identified……….maybe there are even more ‘celebrities’ about to have their hiding place found.

Certainly, the names I have read or been hinted at are Ted Heath, Gary Glitter, John Peel, Dave Lee Travis, Freddie Starr and the possibility of the rabbit hole being deeper is all too apparent.

As far as I’m aware there are complaints being made from Stoke Mandeville, The BBC, Leeds General Infirmary, Broadmoor, Duncroft Approved School in Staines and Haut de la Garenne children’s home in Jersey.

Jimmy Savile ‘allegedly’ supplied fresh young boys for Ted Heath to take out on his boat ‘Morning Cloud’ which links in very nicely with a bit of government corruption regarding Jeremy Thorpes getting off with an attempted murder charge.

Our libel laws meant that many allegations that would (and will) surface was always kept nicely packed away.

What about Jimmy Savile’s links with our nice and friendly serial killer & rapist Peter Sutcliffe, AKA the Yorkshire Ripper?

AHA! Not only did Jimmy Savile spend a fair amount of time at Broadmoor (not my choice of destination) but at Sutcliffe’s trial whose house was mentioned? Eh?

‘Mr Sutcliffe also told police he left the murder scene after he heard voices, but couldn’t tell where they came from. He also heard a car being driven away from the entrance to a house. Later he found out that the house was where disc jockey Jimmy Savile lived’

Well it may be dodgy but it certainly isn’t hard evidence.

Make up your mind but have a look at some of the information I found and as promised, here are some interesting articles for you to have a look at.





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