To begin with, my thoughts were ‘yeah, whatever. Big deal, Lana/Larry as long as she is happy does it really matter?’ I didn’t really care, it wasn’t a big deal.
This is the harder bit. I am fully aware that it’s not any of my business; I won’t stop watching Wachowski films because one of them is suddenly a burd not a bloke.
Incidentally, I am aware that the whole gender reassignment thing (program maybe? Does gender reassigning have a special terminology? I don’t know) takes years and is stressful for everyone around the person who actually has the gender changing operation.
I think therefore, that this is not so much a story of Larry waking up one day and wanting to be Lana, but of a person not being happy with who they are and feeling trapped, right up to the point where they can’t handle the situation anymore.
Then, having the courage to do something about it.
It takes a really strong person to stand against the crowd and society’s expectations of you and do you own thing, so I am proud of Lana, even though she won’t particularly give a hoot about what I think. I suppose maybe the feeling of being so very different, then becoming more uncomfortable in your own world and body would help you create the kinds of alternate reality that the Wachowskis have done so successfully.
Where would film making be without the ubiquitous 'Matrix' slowed down in air fight scenes?
Ill keep watching repeats of ‘The Matrix’ and ‘Speed Racer’, Ill even watch ‘Cloud Atlas’ when it is released.
Purely because Lana and Andy Wachowski never do half measures.
(By the way, if you ever do read this Lana, I think your hot pink dreads are AWESOME)