December 14, 2011

The Secret to a Happy Marriage is.......

Woo Hoo, more ridiculous research results, bet you can’t wait to see what I’m going to dig up next….

This piece of stunning research is by the University of Virginia’s National Marriage Project where they asked 2800 married people about generosity.

The punch line is the more generous the spouse is, the happier the other person is. In fact much more so than those who had married a self-centred asshole.

Wow, what about that for a revelation now? I had worked that out already and I don’t work at a University in Virginia or any other place for that matter.

Dr W Bradford Wilcox said that (I kid you not) if people share things like housework, childcare etc that it goes a long way to contributing to the happiness of the marriage but extra unexpected generosity (the virtue of giving good things to one’s spouse freely and abundantly according to the New York Times) brings about real happiness.

So it turns out that Marie Claire, Cosmo and all the other women’s magazine were wrong, apparently you actually don’t actually have to be able to carry out sexual gymnastics non stop to keep your man, you really only have to be nice to him.

Fancy that then eh? Who knew?

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