December 31, 2011

More Research I Could've Done

I think I've probably mentioned before just how much I adore research carried out by professionals that ends up exactly with the results that you knew they would.

For example I wrote about Canadian Researchers who proved that you are more likely to have unprotected sex if you are drunk. Yeah OK then. Could've seen that one coming if I was blindfolded and in the dark.

So here are some more that I stumbled across by accident. Well, OK we all know that is a slight fib, I didn't so much stumble across it, as look for something to write about and found it.

Ready for the most obvious answers to questions we either hadn't thought about or just accepted that it was a forgone conclusion?

Right apparently men suppress fear, pain and empathy. Eh OK. Indiana University of Pennsylvania are responsible for that little nugget of priceless information.

The next one comes from the journal Epidemiologic Reviews, here we are told that if you smoke marijuana/hash what ever you want to call it, then it's not safe to drive. Wow, bugger me if I hadn't worked THAT out by myself. I've seen people so stoned that I'm amazed they know who they are, never mind where the car is. But hey, who am I to suggest that this isn't legitimate studies.

I do have an amusing image in my head of someone trying to persuade the Police that the drugs are for professional use and not personal use.

Some more research reported during 2011 stated that pigs love mud. Seriously, even though they use it in order to keep cool, they sometimes just do it for, well, shits and giggles.

What about research results written up in April in the Journal of Ageing Studies? What do you think their findings were? Sadly, very predictable, fashion magazines very rarely show women over 40. That's my Vogue modelling career out the window then eh?

Another blog that I had written about was the secret to a happy marriage, which when converted into lay mans terms simply stated don't marry a dick. Marry someone who is actually nice to you and thinks about your feelings from time to time. Simple eh?

Here is another obvious statement that now, thanks to University of Michigan's C S Mott Children's Hospital we can say has basis in fact. Parents don't think their children have any bad habits such as underage drinking, drug taking etc. Pft tell that to my mum, who always thought I was up to no good!

In October an eye tracking device used by volunteers revealed to all of us, that only 1% of people read the nutrition labels on food packaging. Fancy that eh? I'll admit I look to see if it's vegetarian then look at the calories and I have very little interest in any other information. If I'm taking that honesty even further, I only look at calories because I'm trying to lose weight.

Pew Research reported in December that people go on the Internet for mindless entertainment and usually aren't actually doing anything in particular at all.
I will look forward to seeing what revelations various scientific journals and researchers can come up with in 2012.

Maybe we will find out that pigs can't fly?

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