June 10, 2012

Zombies or cannibals, which is more socially acceptable?

I try really hard to blog about different subjects, you know, the ones that attract your attention, make you laugh, grimace, scowl, cringe, give you the 'dry boak' (I know it's a Scottish word, but it'll do y'all no harm to learn some words in another language) or a combination of all of the above.

Unfortunately, I'm finding myself writing about zombies and cannibalism again. So, yeah if that means I'm a sick depraved individual who is starting to appear on some real dodgy lists out there in the stratosphere then so be it.

It should be no real surprise that I've unearthed some more cannibalism/zombie stories from the worlds news recently. It's actually quite gross that there are more and more stories of people getting bits of themselves eaten, in fact bizarrely enough the recording of 'Criminal Minds' was about a cannibalistic killer who fed everyone searching the woods for the victim a very filling stew..... Oh yeah, the meat was the missing girl.


So then, what stories do we have so far?

Well, Canadian bisexual porn actor Luka Rocco Magnotta being arrested for the suspected torture, killing and eating of someone.

In Japan, Mao Sugiyama had his male genitalia removed then offered them online to diners as a ¥100,000 or about £800. Just for your information, 5 people coughed up the money and ate his 'bits'.

The Miami man who was shot dead because he was in the process of eating someone's face, incidentally the victim is STILL alive

The Maryland student who was charged with killing and eating his flat mate.

The Swedish man who cut off and ate his wife's lips, by the way, she is still alive.

The Texan woman who ate her infant son.

The man from Louisiana who argued and bit a chunk out of his ex-wife's new husband.

So then, is the beginning of a zombie apocalypse or is cannibalism gradually becoming socially acceptable?

Im actually laughing at that sentence, but it is certainly doing the trending thing on the likes of twitter, yahoo, google blah blah.

Perhaps when Stephen King had said that there was something comforting about the end of the world, he was actually making sense.

He said, 'Everyone assumes they’ll survive; all of their current problems, which seem so daunting today, are suddenly, conveniently irrelevant; and all you ever wanted is just lying around waiting for you to pick it up, including everything you need to fight off the Army of Darkness.'

Much as I would like to think if there was some apocalypse on the horizon that encourages us to eat one another, I would become an amazing shot with a cross bow, I would probably be the unfortunate vegetarian trying to eat your face.

But that's another dilemma for another day.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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