October 30, 2011


Though the phrase ‘The American Dream’ died out quite some time ago, the mindset it instilled remains woven into the fabric of American society.  The American dream, that once made this country great, is fast becoming just another page in a history book, slowly slipping from our memories it’s now an opaque belief that is in peril of crossing over the line, from legendary into the realm of myth.

The American Opportunity

The American Dream was the idea that all men were created equally, and that everyone, regardless of color, sex, age, or social class, should be afforded the chance to live a prosperous life.  It was a revolutionary principle in civilization, as it effectively cast off the shackles of the social class system.  No longer was a person bound to a certain quality of life by their bloodline or skin tone, but only by their personal abilities, and their abilities to define themselves and work toward achieving a richer fuller life.

Regardless of what either political party says, the disappearance of this mindset isn’t an issue of Americans becoming freeloaders with a sense of entitlement, or jealously toward the successful; it has and always will be about the keyword in The American Dream…opportunity.

The 99% vs. The 1%

The deep seeded unrest on the streets of America has been smoldering for decades, and the embers of injustice are beginning to re-ignite that American spirit.  The 99% have finally been stripped of the only thing they wanted in the first place…opportunity.

The 1%, the obscenely wealthy business owners and corporations, have been entrusted by both Republican and Democratic polices, containing copious tax breaks and subsidies exclusive to the 1%, to provide that opportunity for their fellow Americans to realize their potential and strive for a prosperous life…the 1% have abused this privilege…they have failed us.

Financial Slavery

Instead of reinvesting in the communities that enriched their lives, instead of giving the benefit of the doubt, instead of encouraging others to reach for the stars, the 1% has systematically depleted this nation of opportunity in order to keep the prosperity for themselves.  Piece by piece the 1% has dismantled the American Dream through financial slavery by controlling the flow of money and controlling the price and existence of labor.

Left and right, come together as Americans

This isn’t an issue for Rightwing or Leftwing preconceptions or stubborn viewpoints, this is an issue for ALL Americans, to come together and stop the descending spiral into social and economical madness, to restore the virtuous revelation upon which this nation was founded…that everyone is treated as equals, and that they all deserve a chance to achieve a full and prosperous life.  

Whether it be the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement, or the ‘Tea Party,’ the American people are beginning to wake up and are starting to exercise their democratic right to make a change.

There has come a point in every great civilizations history when the line is drawn between what is, and what is not an acceptable state of affairs.  The civilized nation is America, the affair is the death of opportunity, and the line has been crossed.

The battle to reclaim the ‘Land of Opportunity’ has begun.

Article by: Phil McCarron


31st of October, Halloween, Samhain, All Hallows Even, or Festival of the Dead, call it what you will but it is more or less it’s all the same thing. The lead up to Halloween is now filled with people, kids and pets getting dressed up as witches, zombies, vampires, werewolves. Some even use their imagination and end up dressed up as something more original.

That made me wonder, what sort of car you would drive if you were a creature of the night….

After some thought I reckoned that Werewolves would probably require the use of a 4wd so you could go off to run as a wolf somewhere where you weren’t likely to be seen. If it had a decent load space you could stash a change of clothes there and whatever animal you had caught too.

Then I remembered how much dogs like to stick their head out the window with their tongue hanging out, getting doggie slavers down the ‘C’ pillar of the car and letting your ears blow in the wind. Dogs also like to run in packs, track and hunt. So, a combination of 4wd drive and convertible would be ideal. That leaves the limited edition Rav 4 convertible from 1999 a JEEP Wrangler or Freelander Convertible. Depending on who the Werewolf is, they might even really appreciate the idea of having an Audi Quattro Cabriolet….

So, imagine for one moment you are a Zombie for example, the choice of car isn’t going to be an issue; you are most probably not being able to do anything apart from move towards food.

Giving the odd moan you would just follow the rest of the zombie hoard on your way. Not using your brain and following the crowd could possibly mean that Zombies would drive BMW Minis.

So what would the trendy cool Vampire about town drive? I suppose it would depend on what Vampire Lore we are following. Assuming the Bram Stoker version then Vampires don’t melt in daylight, do need blood and do really need a place for a coffin.

That would mean something along the lines of a pick-up truck. Though if the Vampire in question had been around for a while they would probably have built up some cash and to be able to attract victims into your ‘ride’ may be an advantage. So I reckon an imported Ford F1 pickup or an HSV Maloo.

As for the Witch, what do you think she would drive? I drive an old scirocco; it’s held together by magic and looks a bit like a broom.

Article by: Lynn Tulloch