'Dead as a Doornail' is the fifth book in Charlaine Harris' Southern Vampire Series and it's quite an exciting book too. The book concentrates on Sookie wanting a bit more of a quiet life. After all, so far, Sookie has had a friend murder her grandmother, fallen in love and been betrayed, been raped, slept with two vampires, been blown up, discovered that not only are vampires real, but werewolves, shapeshifters and witches too, had her brother attacked by werepanthers (its only at the beginning of this book that we find out he will shift at a new moon unlike the TV series).
I suppose after all that, I'd want a quieter life too.
However, this is so not on the cards for our Sookie, no she has more hassle and crap to put up with. Makes you wonder why she does it eh?
'Dead as a Doornail' begins with were-animals in the area being shot at. Obviously, this includes Sookie cause she hangs about with a lot of them.
There is a pack master challenge in Shreveport and the very wonderful Alcide asks Sookie for help. He needs her there to listen to people's thoughts and make sure no one will cheat, cause Jackson Herveaux is Alcide's dad and he's in the running.
Sookie gets kind of blackmailed into doing it cause he's worked out that there is a strong possibility that Sookie has something to do with Debbie Pelt's disappearing. Nice work there Alcide, gone from good guy to instant scum. However, the master of ceremonies is a were tiger called Quinn..... Hmmmm.
Sam, on the other hand has had a sly snog with Sookie, who is now convinced that vampires are bad news and are just into using her, which is quite ironic considering that as Sam has been shot he asks her to get Eric to give him a relief member of bar staff.....
After being Franklin Mott's bit of fluff in book 3, Tara has been passed off by him to another vamp called Mickey who is not really emotionally stable. She needs help to get away from him.
So, yes, you've guessed it, Sookie to the rescue again, she bargains with Eric for his help. In return, Eric asks to be told what happened when he lost his memory in book 4. Sookie does this, in what is probably one of the best bits of the book, next to Eric laughing at 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' on television.
We all know that True Blood is loosely based on the SVM, so today Day 3 I'll give you a quick run down on book 5, then tomorrow, what story lines I think will be used and how some of the other characters may develop in Season 5.