April 4, 2012

Should We Brick it From Internet Trolls

Samantha Brick is apparently quite famous though I've never heard of her. I actually don't like to admit things like that cause, well, it makes me sound massively uneducated and naive. Even if I have no idea about what someone is talking about, I like to at least have heard of the topic.

Samantha Brick? Not a clue who the hell she is.

So, I read her (queue rolling eyes) article in the Daily Mail about how women hate her cause she's beautiful........

Knowing the British public, unless you are writing tongue in cheek then you are asking for a huge amount of verbal abuse. Which results in Samantha proving her case.

Anyway, I read her article. The salient points are that yes she is pretty, but not supermodel material, she is intelligent and successful. Random men buy her things, women 'friends' are wary in case she's steals their partners.

I checked her website and yes, she is all of the above, I also learned that Samantha helps to rescue animals also as well as being able to blog in a style that I am quite envious of.

So, realistically, what is there not to like?

All I can see is that the public don't seem to like the fact that Samantha has opened up the door marked 'jealously breeds hatred'. So, let me get this straight, does this mean that it's not ok to judge someone by how they look unless they are female, blonde, slim, pretty and clever? I'm not slim or pretty, but I am blonde and female and yes I do get judged by how I look too, depending on who you are I could have too many tattoos, too much education or whatever. However, I try not to let it bother me what other people think.

I'm not in competition with Samantha Brick, I don't know her at all so why should her views affect me or anyone in such a passionate way? Today I woke up to read that not only Joe Public had a pop at her views but some celebs had too. Yup, the majority of people seem to have missed the point, don't think the article is about Samantha so much as everyone else.

I don't hate her for how she looks or any other reason. I rather respect her for opening up the discussion about how women view each other.

Do you seriously think that because someone considers themselves fortunate to be blessed with good looks and intelligence that they don't have feelings? Get a grip!

All the Daily Mail has successfully done is turn everyone into a bunch of trolls posting hateful, spiteful comments about Samantha Brick.