November 17, 2011

Prost v Senna? No its BlackBerry v iPhone

After the BlackBerry Blackout of October I fell out with by beloved BB. I was disgusted, how very dare BB have a fault with their network which meant that I had lost touch with the world.

I had no email, no twitter and no facebook for 3 days; I mean really, how would anyone expect a woman to get through the day?

I am fully aware that there are many things wrong with that statement, like for one; do I not have a life? Or do I only have one that revolves around interaction via the written word?

Secondly, it’s not really as if it was a major hassle, I mean my poor BB got called some not very nice names, indeed the sort of words that would make a squaddie blush. It was only 3 days service missed from email, twitter and facebook in the time Ive had the phone, which is approximately 18 months or so. My little curve has been dunked in Cola, dropped in snow, kicked accidentally across a room and succumbed to the powers of a demolition expert of a 7yr old.

It is still in one piece, but I still felt let down and betrayed RIM.

As it is now approaching phone upgrade time Ive got the big decision to make, should I keep a hold of a phone that I like or go for the unknown iPhone contender?

I think the Blackberry RIM v iPhone rivalry is along the same lines as Ferrari v McLaren, Senna v Prost, you have to be in one camp or the other, you can’t (and won’t) dare have a foot in each camp. It just isn’t the done thing.

So I asked peoples opinions, iPhone 4S or BlackBerry Torch? It was that simple. I called Orange my network provider (see, I can be posh sometimes) and discussed it all with a lovely lady called Alison.

In short, FBF’s (facebook friends) say iPhone is the one to go for where as my twitfam (Twitter followers) are much more divided. Alison from Orange suggested that I try the iPhone and if I don’t like it I can easily return it within 14 days.

So, I’m finally buying into the whole ‘I’ thing, they have sold me a lifestyle choice full of hopes, dreams and aspirations and I’ve been reeled right in, all willingly.

Pfft, next Ill be owning an Audi……..oops got that.