March 3, 2012

Happy Ending for Once

I've struggled to write a blog for a couple of weeks now and I can only think of 2 valid excuses.

The first one is procrastination. Yup, it gets me too, sometimes I can't be bothered to express myself through the written word which is usually a direct result of my second excuse.

My second excuse is that there is an ever decreasing amount of happy or quirky news, to the point where I can't find anything that is if any interest to write about. I'm not sure you'd find it interesting about how I gave myself a black eye or how on the anniversary of my Grandad's death I still manage to feel guilty for not managing to conjure up a way for him to live forever and those are the only major things that have happened to me over the past few weeks.

I could have written about Angelina Jolie's leg making a guest appearance at the Oscars. I could've written about PC Rathband taking his own life. I had written about Falkirk MP Eric Joyce until I decided that I actually couldn't make my mind up about him.

So that really leaves me with Lillian Hartley and Allan Marks.

Now, I've not chosen to write about them because there is nothing else out there in the universe, but because I think it's a lovely story.

On Wednesday, Lillian and Allan got married in Indio, California. Not really a story winner there in itself but when I tell you the rest, i want a huge big 'awhhhhh'. OK?

They met 18 years ago and having been living together since, Lillian is 3 years younger than Allan who is a mere 98 year old. (Before you ask, I haven't pressed the wrong buttons on the keyboard. I have typed 98).

After talking about marriage for years, the couple finally decided to take the plunge, saying that they had been way too bus

Riverside County Clerk's Office Deputy Commissioner of Marriages said that when the happy couple appeared at her window, Lillian said 'I want to marry this man'. At this point, Allan put his arm around his bride to be and said 'I want to be with her for the rest of my life'.

And so, like all good stories, they got married and had a special lunch at 'International House of Pancakes' to celebrate, then went back to their condo.

So, not only have the couple found happiness again after being widowed but they are now in the Guinness Book of World Records for having the highest combined age of a couple on their wedding day (193 years, 8 months and 3 days).

This is your chance now to go 'awhhhhh' for the couple who are cuter than kittens.

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