January 25, 2012

Til Death Us Do Part: Keeping A Promise

'Do what you desire, and take good care of the people you love, be they your parents, your siblings. You might never get that chance again.'

That is a superb saying/quote whatever you want to call it, but it's a bit along the lines of 'you don't know what you've got till its gone'.

Which I can only assume is how Chadil Deffy feels. Incidentally the first quote has been attributed to him. So what has made Chadil so retrospective?

Well, sadly, it is because his 29 year old girlfriend died. The tragic part is that even though they had been together for 10 years and had planned to get married, they never got round to it.

In short, life got in the way between studies and busy schedules, until 3rd January when Ann Kamsuk died in a car accident.

So, Chadil, did the only thing he felt he could do. He married his dead girlfriend.

Now take out the 'ick' factor and remove all the wedding night jokes and what we have is a guy who wanted to carry out a promise made to his girlfriend.

At the ceremony, which took place in Surin, Thailand, friends and family laid wreaths. Wedding snaps were taken and later posted on Facebook.

'But for us, it is the mistake which we could not go back in time to correct. Remember, life is short.

After all, guilt is a wonderful motivator says the cynical me, the romantic me says that for Chadil he did what he had to and fulfilling a promise made is something that is often missed in the day and age.

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